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Are you looking for a Dance Specialist in your area? Our directory is here to help you find the specialized care Artistic Athletes need, whether it’s in person or virtually. Your dance wellness journey starts here!

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Samara DiMattia- Connecticut Dance Physical Therapy

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  3. Samara DiMattia- Connecticut Dance Physical Therapy

Here, our professionals know that when a dancer is injured it affects not only their physical self but also their emotional wellbeing. We are committed to ensuring a healthy and safe return to dance while providing a recovery environment that is nurturing and supportive to both the patient and their family.

We also aim to educate our patients about injury prevention by equipping them with the steps needed to take care of their bodies in the future. Our team has an extensive and personal knowledge about dance and are able to help the dancer effectively navigate this unique world.


* Doctors For Dancers makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this website, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources and review all information.

All documents are on file.


Social Media
Instagram: @ctdancephysicaltherapy
Facebook: Connecticut Dance Physical Therapy
Insurance: BC/BS, Aetna, Connecticare and Cigna and Out of Network with United Health Care and Oxford
Hours of Operation: See Website
1275 Summer Street, Stamford, CT, USA, Suite 307, Connecticut, USA 06905

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