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Are you looking for a Dance Specialist in your area? Our directory is here to help you find the specialized care Artistic Athletes need, whether it’s in person or virtually. Your dance wellness journey starts here!

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Matthew Kohler, MD – Ospina Medical – Regenerative Spine & Joint

As a highly sought-after interventional pain and regenerative medicine specialist in the UES of Manhattan, Dr. Kohler has naturally aligned with treating professional dancers, Broadway performers, and athletes alike.  It  has always been a passion of his to work [...]
Special Offers: Special Discount Available for All Dancers on Procedures not Covered By Insurance (including Regenerative Medicine Treatments)
Instagram: @dr.kohler
Facebook: @ospinamedical
Hours of Operation: M-F 9-5
Ospina Medical, 635 Madison Ave Ste 1301, New York, USA 10022
Doctors for Dancers