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Lyssa Wopat, M.S., CMPC – Performentality, LLC

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  3. Lyssa Wopat, M.S., CMPC – Performentality, LLC
Special Offers: Schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation to… 1) Find out more about mental performance coaching/mental skills training, 2) Ask your questions, and, 3) Make sure we are a good fit to work together (if that’s what you’re looking for)!

Lyssa Wopat is Certified Mental Performance Consultant® for dancers and performers through her company, Performentality, LLC.

As a former professional dancer who also went to college for dance at The University of North Carolina School for the Arts, Lyssa has a profound understanding of the demands and inner workings of the dance world. Today, Lyssa combines this knowledge with her background, education and training in Sport and Performance Psychology and mental skills training for dancers.

As a Certified Mental Performance Consultant®, Lyssa helps dancers to optimize their performance, mindset, enjoyment/satisfaction, and well-being through mental skills training. Mental skills can range from things like goal setting, to self-talk, to visualization, and more!

Dancers tend to train their physicality and technique tirelessly, but many of us are missing a crucial aspect of our training—training our minds. In order to dance to your potential and enjoy it, mental skills training can be paramount, and it is never too late to start!

Lyssa does much of her work virtually, offering 1-to-1 sessions and group workshops via Zoom. However, Lyssa also offers workshops in-person at studios, schools and companies.


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All documents are on file.
Contact Information
Phone: 443-823-9023
Social Media
Instagram: @performentalityllc
Insurance: None
Hours of Operation: Check website
USA 21111

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