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Sarah Haran- Arrow PT Seattle

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  3. Sarah Haran- Arrow PT Seattle

Sarah has been practicing in Seattle, WA since 2007. She combines evidence-based treatments and clinical expertise in order to best suit her patients’ needs, utilizing manual techniques as needed but emphasizing specific and individualized exercise programs designed to improve motor patterning and biomechanics.  

Specialties include adult and pediatric sports injuries as well as spinal and peripheral joint stabilization. Sarah has a particular interest in treating conditions of the hip and pelvis such as femoroacetabular impingement and labral tears, but also enjoys treating orthopedic injuries of the shoulder, neck, knee, foot/ankle, jaw and spine.

Sarah received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from Gonzaga University in 2004 and her Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Washington in 2007. Beginning ballet at age 3 and dancing through her late-20’s, Sarah has a particular interest and deep understanding of the movement mechanics required and demands placed on the dancer.


Contact Information
Phone: 206-913-2181
Social Media
Instagram: @arrowptseattle
Facebook: Arrow Physical Therapy, PLLC
Insurance: None
Hours of Operation: By Appointment Only
3837 13th Ave W, Seattle, WA, USA, Ste. 104, Washington state, USA 98119

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