At Doctors For Dancers (DFD), we specialize in enhancing the health and performance of dancers of all levels.

Our dedicated team of Dance Specialists offers comprehensive care tailored to the unique demands of dance. From injury prevention and treatment to optimizing performance, we’re here to support your journey every step of the way.

Dance Wellness Assessment

In this extended session, our Dance Specialist conducts a thorough evaluation, identifying specific areas that may require extra care.

You’ll benefit from personalized guidance across various areas, including injury prevention, reducing your risk of injuries, effective conditioning, tips on training like an Artistic Athlete, and prioritizing long-term dance health, along with a range of available recovery options.


  • Duration: Approximately 50 minutes


Comprehensive Care Session

Whether you’re dealing with recurring issues or a more substantial injury, this session offers a personalized approach to address your unique needs.

Our Dance Specialist will conduct a thorough assessment, attempt to identify the causes of your discomfort and provide a plan to address your specific needs.


  • Duration: Approximately 30 minutes

Quick Recovery Session

Great for addressing minor injuries, discomfort, or general convention soreness. Whether it’s a sprained ankle or muscle tension, this session offers quick relief.


  • Duration: Approximately 15 minutes

Select a session in the city you will be in to book your appointment.

See you there!

Houston, TX

Minneapolis, MN

Houston, TX

Minneapolis, MN

Houston, TX

Minneapolis, MN