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Jovauna Currey, MD

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  3. Jovauna Currey, MD
My specialties are in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. Both of which focus on function and getting my patients back to doing what they love. I also have additional sub-specialty expertise in dance and performing arts medicine. As a lifelong dancer, I understand the goals and passions of performing artists. When treating a dancer or performing artist, I aim to understand their needs, treat their injury, all while enabling them to continue performing.
Medical Doctor. Board Certified, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine physician.
Services provided: Ultrasound-guided injections, spine care, Electromyography, concussion treatment, ortho biologics, advanced musculoskeletal diagnoses, and treatment options

* Doctors For Dancers makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this website, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources and review all information.

NPI 1427475797 
DEA FC6824634
All documents are on file.
Contact Information
Phone: 707-566-5509
Social Media
Instagram: jcurreymd
Facebook: Jovauna Currey
Insurance: Kaiser Patients
Hours of Operation: By Appointment Only
3975 Old Redwood Highway, Santa Rosa, CA, USA, Medical Office Building 5, Suite 152, California, USA 95403

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